VSD Compressor Conversions
'Don't remove it , improve it'
Up to 30% Energy Savings
Reducing the amount of energy you use is one of the fastest and most effective ways to save your business money. Air compressors can account for between 15 - 25% of the total energy use within a business. By reducing energy costs you will be making a positive contribution towards climate change as well as your profit margin.
In addition to the immediate cost saving benefits of an approved VSD conversion there are substantial incentives available through Government supported schemes to reduce energy consumption and your carbon footprint.

What's Involved
The conversion of your fixed speed air compressor is quite straight forward.
First we modify your drive motor with a fully insulated bearing installed to the non drive end of the motor.
We then attach the VSD drive , typically an ABB ACS VSD unit to your compressor motor using fully insulated cables and disconnect your Star Delta starter completely.
The next step is installing an auxiliary fan cooling to the rear of your drive motor and lastly installing an auxiliary oil pump for additional lubrication at low speed use.
Your compressor control system is then connected to the ABB VSD drives control panel.
Starting the compressor is the same you simply use your existing controllers start / stop buttons and let the compressors auto load functions take care of the rest.
Can you convert air dryer's
Yes you can convert your air dryer such as an Atlas Copco MD regen dryer for example.
The conversion would consist of two adaptations to have consistent dewpoint.
The first recommended conversion would be to install a 'low load' kit that ensures heat is always provided to your regen air above 125'c to ensure drum drying is always taking place.
The second conversion would be to replace the drum dryer motor with a VSD type motor and small VSD drive unit synchronised to the main ABB VSD ACS drive unit.
This dual conversion ensures you have a reliable dewpoint and energy efficient control of your compressed air equipment.

Oil Free & Oil Lubricated
Oil Free & Oil Lubricated air compressors can be converted to VSD drive.
The conversion is very similar for both types of air compressor.
Quantify my savings
We carry out both pre and post compressed air energy audits of your compressed air system and prove to you how energy savings are being achieved.
ABB VSD drives are covered by the manufacturers warranty for 18 months from the date of supply. Our conversions are covered for 12 months warranty from the date of commissioning.
Contact us
For more information and a free site visit (UK) to discuss your requirements please contacts us by clicking the link below and completing our contact form.