M C Whalley
Mar 21, 2023
Meet our Business Development Sales Manager Rob Winstanley
Rob Winstanley is our Business Development Sales Manager for all Ztechnique products. Rob orginally joined our company Airtec Filtration Ltd as a Service Engineer, but expressed a wish to try his hand at compressed air sales and has really excelled in his skils to develop our global Ztechnique products footprint.
Rob and his sales team can help you source parts from manufacturers such as Atlas Copco , Kaeser, BOGE, Ingersoll Rand for oil free, oil lubricated and centrifugal equipment. " Having the capabilities to offer our customers new , refurbished , OEM and Ztechnique alternative products has enabled our business to be extremely competitive in the compressed air market" RW
Rob has also been involved in product developments in 2022 as a progression of his skill set and has already succesfully developed new initiatives that will strengthen sales for the business.